BRIEF OUTLINE of my Argument (short version)

For those who don’t have much interest in the subject but want to get a brief overview, or whose internet attention span is just a few seconds, I have put together this short outline so that you can get the gist of my argument quickly and move on. If it intrigues you enough to read more, you should go to my main article: Giving Up On America.

My argument consists of this: America has progressed too far in its political movement leftward, and in its level of corruption of the government and of the people. This has made it impossible to reverse our current course and to regain our freedoms as they were 100 or even fifty years ago. We have essentially lost our republic, and, given the circumstances, it is not recoverable. 

That’s it, in a nutshell. You can move on now. But if you are curious as to why I believe this to be true, here is a brief outline of my reasons:

1). The left have total control of the pillars of society (the news media, the arts and sciences, elected government, the bureaucracy, the entertainment complex and the educational system).

2). The left have used those pillars to brainwash much of the populace into agreeing with their position on most issues. 

3). The left generally are cohesive in pursuing their goals, whereas the right are not. 

4). The left attained their signature achievement in the 16th Amendment, allowing them to centralize power in Washington D.C. Unless it can be repealed, the federal government can never be forced to shrink, and will only become more invasive over time. 

5). The regulations that have been adopted by our governments at all levels for over 100 years are so extensive and so pervasive as to be impossible to alter significantly. Further, major laws are almost never repealed, giving the left a momentum that is essentially unstoppable. 

6). The Tenth Amendment has effectively been abandoned.

7). As the country is managed politically to the left, undefended by the right, the political process will favor the Democrats more and more. They turned California, and if they turn Texas they will have the electoral votes to hold the presidency forever. And Texas is really not all that red. 

8). Freedom-loving people on the far right are not sufficiently rising to protest the depredations that our government is imposing on us - at least, not enough to change anything. 

9). Our government officials in both parties are working hard to confer amnesty on millions of illegal aliens (who will vote democrat). If they succeed, this will give the Democrat party a dominant political position in America for generations to come. 

10). Given our type of government, the only hope of effecting real change towards greater freedoms would be to elect people who would actually change our laws, starting with the 16th Amendment. This means we would need a super-majority of Tea-Party people in federal and state governments across the board. Ain’t gonna happen. 

And those are my top ten reasons why we will never get the America back that we once had. If you want to live under socialist rule, don’t do anything. But if you would like to have your freedoms back, read more of my posts, especially the ones about secession and The Two-State Solution for America. My essay about starting a new country is still a ways off, but it will come.

Copyright notice: All the articles in this blog are written by and copyrighted by Thomas M. Kempf, unless otherwise noted. You may link to, copy, use and disseminate these essays in any non-profit capacity so long as the copyright notice and the following links are included.  and:

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