It is my contention that America, as an ideal, is a lost cause. It’s heyday is over, and it is an impossible task to get it back. It is not by any means dead, but it is objectively beyond repair. We, the people, were unable to keep our Republic. 

I have come to this conclusion slowly, and even painfully. It has not been without careful consideration, and years of putting up a good fight. But all the knowledge gained in the process has led me to this one, inescapable conclusion, and I think it needs to be shared. 

When I mention it, however, most people have a visceral reaction, and want to defend America and the possibility that we can reverse our current course to socialism. But it is always an emotional response, and is never backed up by any factual information. This includes Rush Limbaugh, who still believes we can “get it back. His belief, though, is based solely on hope and faith, by his own admission. 

And of those who essentially agree with my contention, nobody I know of has given factual reasons why it is true. So I have created this site to confront that reality, and to make it explicit why America, as it was founded, cannot and will not be revived, at least not in any foreseeable future. I want to try to explain myself, as best I can, so that people can start thinking seriously about the subject, and to get them thinking about possible alternatives to our dilemma.

As the old saying goes: Knowledge is power. We must know things before we can act on them. Until enough people discover this knowledge, we will never be able to change the status quo, and we will all be stuck living in some form of liberal hell.

But if you really want to live in a free country - and if you want your children to live in a free country - you will have to seek out alternative solutions, and organize with others to achieve it, whatever it may be. The purpose of this blog, then, is to explore where we are as a country, how we got here and why, and what we might be able to do about it, if anything.

You should start with the main article - Giving Up on America - which will introduce you to my reasons why I believe America is beyond repair. If it is convincing, then just start working down my list of articles to read each topic, which together will eventually form a big picture framing our current political situation, and exploring possible actions we might take to recover lost liberties. For those who are impatient, there is a brief outline of my main argument here.

I said eventually because I have not written all the articles yet (as of October, 2014). The dozen or so that are completed form the heart of my thesis, so I felt I was ready to publish them. If you go to the INDEX, you can see article titles I am in the process of writing, and you will see how they fit in with my overall theme. And you will find all my posts in some semblance of order, from the most pertinent ones at the top to those of lesser importance at the bottom.

I am also interested in what others have to say about this subject, and I want to garner any insights that I haven’t already figured out on my own. Also, I know that I might be wrong on some things - maybe even many things - and I know that I can learn from others. So I invite rational commentary on my articles, and will respond wherever and whenever I can, so long as the discourse remains rational. Maybe I will change my mind on something - you just never know.

So, please, feel free to write your ideas down in the comment sections, I want to hear them. I may incorporate them if they are good, even if I don’t like them. You may reveal a truth to me I hadn’t thought of, and it may even negate my entire premise. If it is true, I will acknowledge it as such, and reassess my position.

Copyright notice: All the articles in this blog are written by and copyrighted by Thomas M. Kempf, unless otherwise noted. You may link to, copy, use and disseminate these essays in any non-profit capacity so long as the copyright notice and the following links are included.  and:

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This site is dedicated to understanding where America is headed politically, and to discovering what we might do about it.

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