The essence of the Democrat/liberal position on global warming/climate change et al is nothing more than to baffle you with bullshit, and then to intimidate you with the appeal to authority fallacy. They claim that there is a “consensus” of scientists who agree that man-caused warming is real, and they extrapolate from that dire consequences. I won’t bore you with those details as everybody already knows them.
The trouble is that what they put forth as facts are almost entirely made up data. Faked. Fraudulent. And for anyone that disagrees, a wrath will descend upon you and they will accuse you of being a denier of truth, etc. You cannot even dare to ask questions of their methods or evidence of their data. They will not discuss it with you.
Further, a “consensus” in science is meaningless - it doesn’t matter whether a bunch of scientists agree on a particular matter. Matters of science are proven by rigorous standards of scientific inquiry, and as regards the climate, that has not yet happened. There is also a consensus of scientists who believe that global warming is not caused by humans, so who is right?
But if anybody has any inkling of integrity in them (I am speaking to you liberals out there), and are willing to look at anything other than what we are force-fed by the media, you only have to ask one question to figure out that “man-caused global warming” is a fraud: What happened to the ice that used to cover California and the Great Lakes? Does anybody really have any inkling of what it would take to create a sheet of ice hundreds of feet thick over Northern California? Cold like you wouldn’t believe! You’d better be damn happy you’re living now, while things are a bit warmer! I certainly wouldn't want to live in an igloo.
And, in fact, the Earth has been even warmer in the past than it is today, so why is “warming” today somehow considered to be a bad thing? Is there evidence that the warmer temperature was associated with extreme weather patterns in the past? Was it not “normal” way back then to be a few degrees warmer than today’s average temperature? If it was wholly natural and not caused by man, it seems to me to be a natural and normal state of the Earth when it occurs, just as ice caps halfway down America is the natural state when that occurs.
The fact is that the temperature of the Earth is cyclical, in short, medium and long cycles. How is it that we humans are arguing over the change in a few tenths of a degree over decades or even centuries?
This alone is enough to destroy the entire global warming/climate change argument. But the left are not a rational group of people, and nothing will stop them from pushing their agenda to limit and control mankind for their own evil ends. Because that is what this is all about - power and control, and the left are obsessed with it. It is all political.
It has been said that the environmental movement is where the communists went after the collapse of communism in the 1990’s. And it is true - it is their natural home, because through control (dictatorship) of our environment - and of our healthcare, our retirement and our workplace - they can control everybody. The only ones who get a free pass are those who are in cahoots with the powerful - the rest of us have to live within the box they circumscribe for us.
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