What Do You Mean by: “Love the Obombanation?”

I used the subtitle: “How I Learned Not to Worry and to Love the Obombanation” in my primary article, which you have hopefully read. It was inspired by my insights into our future as a country, and has multiple meanings. 

I know it sounds delusional, as if I were a liberal or something, so I thought I might explain it to you. First, I’m not a liberal, and it doesn’t mean I like Obama one iota. Mostly, it refers to the fact that I have learned not to worry - nor care - about what is happening to our country (read aforementioned article to learn why). And for that, I am thankful for Obama enlightening us. If not for him, we might not have known just how bad it really was.

I have to tell you that this is a real weight off my shoulders. When seriously bad things are happening to your country, it is natural to worry. And worry can turn into anxiety, anger and even panic, especially when those bad things start coming true. 
You worry how it is going to affect you. You worry about what you should maybe do about it, about how to protect yourself. You might energize and decide to fight it somehow, to join a bandwagon and spend your energies trying to ward off the evil that is invading your society, or to write about it. When you worry like that you suffer emotional stress, and you can make bad life choices. And this is not a good thing for your health, or your future. 

But the emergence of Barack Obama onto the American political scene has actually done something for us (me in particular as I do not hear many people pointing this out), and that is to open our eyes to just how far America has diverged from our original constitution. 

Before Obama, we all knew we were steering in the wrong direction, and some were fighting to try to get us back on course. But I don’t think many knew how bad it was. Now it is blatantly obvious that we are not just off course, but taking on water. It also points out just how far out of our control our country is, and forces us to assess it critically, so we might debate what can be done, if anything. 

And of course, that’s where I come in. Since I am not seeing any real assessment out there similar to mine, and especially no real plan on how to defeat the left and reverse our course, I can only conclude that there simply isn’t one. I don’t know if I’m the first to follow this line of reasoning, but in any case, here it is, and I have Obama to thank for it. 

So it’s in that sense that I “love the Obombanation:” My worry forced me to learn more about our political situation, which brought me to certain realizations thereby helping me to describe the problem in detail and to formulate possible solutions. All of which helped me overcome my worries. I hope it does for you, too. 

And in case you missed it, please note how it fits the Dr. Strangelove theme, retaining “the Bomb“ and indicating the blowing up of, in this case, our country. Pretty apropos, actually. 


Copyright notice: All the articles in this blog are written and copyrighted by Thomas M. Kempf, unless otherwise noted. You may link to, copy, use and disseminate these essays in any non-profit capacity so long as the copyright notice and the following links are included.    http://givinguponamerica.blogspot.jp/p/introduction-to-my-blog-giving-up-on.html    and:   www.ttssfa.com  

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