Rush is Preaching to the Choir

(And so are all the other right-wing media outlets)

I admit right upfront that I am a regular listener of Rush Limbaugh. He is far and away the most astute political commentator in the nation, regardless  of what one might think of him. As a bulwark of conservative values, he has been the standout defender of freedom in America. He has certainly influenced the conservative movement over his twenty-five years, and emboldened many of our elected officials to stand up and fight for what is right. 

But after all these years, where are we politically? Certainly things have only gotten worse. America has been moving leftward for decades, and since Rush came onto the scene we seem to have accelerated in that direction. There are many more people on the dole, we are in unimaginable debt, our culture is literally decaying, we are fragmenting politically and culturally, and our world status is coming to an end. 

Is Rush responsible for any of this? Hell, no. But the important question  to ask is whether his presence has really had any effect on the direction of our country in the long term, or if it has all been for naught? I mean, he’s made a good living at it, and he has provided us with an unbelievable amount of laughs over the years. His piquant commentary has educated millions of Americans on the threat of liberalism, and informed us about their methods and motives. It is almost as if he alone has known the secrets of liberalism, and he has elucidated it better than anyone ever could. 

And yet, America is still going down the drain, and quickly. You might be able to say that he has prevented America from declining even faster, just as Obama said that his actions prevented the recession from being even worse. But in any case, we are still going down the drain, and even Rush cannot seem to stop it. He certainly isn’t going to be able to “turn it around.”

Since this is undeniably true, one has to wonder why Rush has continued doing the same thing, year after year. He’s a smart guy, and he should be able to see by now that he is not having any real effect on our country. He should be asking himself two questions: Why not, and what else can I do to make a difference? 

I know that he has written a couple of children’s books and, as he says, it is to try to help educate the children on the real history of our country. This is laudable, but even if it were 100% effective, it would take a few decades (at best) to have any real affect on the direction of our country. And as I pointed out in my main post, the left have control of the means of education, so they will simply undo anything he has imparted to the little munchkins. 

Further, in a few decades the country will move even more to the left, and further from any chance of being saved. All us old farts who still remember what freedom is will be dead or nearly so, and the left will own the country. That’s even if they never get amnesty. 

Maybe Rush is simply comfortable in his role as a commentator, and, for whatever reason, doesn’t want to step out of it. Maybe he’s not a natural leader. You can’t ask someone to be that which they are not, but I know that he is smart enough to strategerize a plan that would affect our politics more than writing children’s books (see my other post: It’s Time for Rush Limbaugh to Up His Game).

If saving the country is his desire (and it is his stated desire), then he is not the one who is going to accomplish it, at least not if he keeps his show going. 

The reason why he has not been able to make a dent in our political direction is because he is most certainly preaching to the choir. Granted he has a pretty good-sized audience of 20 million regular listeners, but out of 300 plus million people, it is chump change. And as I said, we are regular listeners - we are the only ones who hear what he has to say. We do not have enough power between us to stop Obama from being reelected. We are the choir, and it is not growing; he is not reaching beyond his own base.

Most of the rest of the country don’t listen to him for various reasons, and many, even on the right, don’t like him because of his perceived negatives. These are a product of the lies the left tell about him because they do not like his values or his influence, so they have been discrediting and vilifying him since day one. 

He was the first to really point out just how biased and dishonest the media was, and he deserves the highest praise for his work. In fact, he should get a medal of honor from President Palin after she is inaugurated in 2017. 

Indeed, if everybody in the country were forced to listen to him, and to really understand his message, the country would be cured inside of a year. But that is just not going to happen. What we need is a plan, and so far nobody seems to have one. That is why I have put together this blog - to try to formulate a plan that can either save our country from certain socialism, or to find another way to get our freedoms back. 

Copyright notice: All the articles in this blog are written and copyrighted by Thomas M. Kempf, unless otherwise noted. You may link to, copy, use and disseminate these essays in any non-profit capacity so long as the copyright notice and the following links are included.    

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