It’s Time for Rush Limbaugh to Up His Game

Occasionally a caller will ask Rush to do more than he is currently doing, ie, step out from behind the Golden EIB Microphone and orchestrate some other activity that will oppose the Democrats in some other way. They almost always have a specific suggestion in mind. 

And, there are many other things that he could do, that would be easily within his ability to influence the direction of our country. But every time I have heard such a suggestion, Rush has always countered that what he is doing on his radio show is plenty for one guy to be doing, that he is holding up his end of the fight, and that you can’t really ask him to do more. 

I can’t disagree with that assessment. I have no doubt that he spends plenty of time doing show prep and doing the show itself. Certainly he balances his work time with personal time, which we all need. And recently he has begun writing children’s history books (not to mention his ice tea business), which certainly have added a load of work  to his schedule. 

Rush is our best expositor of conservative values and has done as much as anyone has or could over the last 25 years. It would be really hard to ask someone like him to do anything more for our cause. But one has to ask if during the time that he has been on the air whether our political situation has improved or deteriorated. 

Obviously it has deteriorated significantly, so one cannot say that his efforts have been effective. If he has been explaining the conservative position freely and articulately to the entire world (if they chose to listen), what has been the point if we have gone from bad (Clinton) to worse (Obama), and are possibly facing the ridiculous (the other Clinton). 

Clearly American culture is rotting from within, and is controlled by the left. Clearly our political position is dire and deteriorating, with little real hope of improvement. And clearly this is not Rush’s fault - one man can only do so much to stem such a tide. 

But this begs the question - if Rush has been railing against the left to no avail, what is the point of listening to him? Why is he even still on the air? Does he think that continuing with his show in its present form is going to have any effect in the future? Will he suddenly be able to “turn things around” with his oratory magic in the near future? Will the liberals give up in the face of his mockeries and  let the conservatives run things for a while?

Of course he could take the Obama tact and say that things would have been much, much worse if he hadn’t been doing his show. Why, we might already have a dictatorship if it wasn’t for Rush Limbaugh! And that would be funny, but just as untrue as Obama’s claims that the economy would be in much worse shape if he hadn’t taken the steps he did. 

I understand that he has a commitment to his show, and may have a contract still in place that he has to fulfill. And maybe he just doesn’t have it in him to engage in activities that are different from being a talk show host, or that require the managing of many activities and people. 

He is certainly the best at what he does, and will likely never be equalled. But is it enough? If the goal is to save the country from socialism, and if his current efforts are for naught (at least politically), then shouldn’t he be looking to step up his game in order to try to make a difference? 

You can’t say that he’s been “sandbagging it” by any means because I don’t think anybody, including Rush, quite realized just how far America has succumbed to leftist ideology until Obama was elected. We knew there were problems with our country and we hoped to fight it, to turn it around - but after he was elected the first time we were all pretty much in stunned disbelief that our country could do such a thing. 

But once the Democrats passed Obamacare, John Roberts approved it and Obama was then reelected, it became pretty clear to most rational people that we were at or even beyond the tipping point into socialism. Having the Republican party essentially abdicate their responsibilities has merely cemented our opinion that the concept of America is on the brink.

Rush has been doing a great patriotic service by informing us about everything the left has been doing to America for almost three decades now. But at the present rate, our country will be sufficiently authoritarian to have him in jail as a political prisoner within the next decade. Unless he absconds to New Zealand, of course. Isn’t it  time for him to step it up and try something more effective? 

Doing the same thing forever will not change the direction of our country. I do not doubt his sincerity in trying to fight the liberals, and to effect change. He has a great gig there as a radio commentator, but I cannot believe that that is as far as he wants to take it. 

At this point he must know that in his current capacity as a talk show host, he is really only preaching to the choir. Even forgetting how the left have vilified him, his influence as a talk show host is very limited. And yet he has an extremely creative mind, able to formulate offensive strategies such as Operation Chaos or selling Harry Reid’s letter on eBay. 

I feel that at this point in time, if he doesn’t choose to step out of his box, then he is necessarily acceding to the defeat of America at the hands of the liberals. As the greatest mind in conservatism, he is in the best position to lead a comeback, of some sort of political counter-insurgency, or to carry out a plan to alter the status quo in some manner. 

No, he is not obligated to do anything. If he is content sitting behind the Golden EIB Microphone for the rest of his time, that is fine. Nobody can make him do anything he doesn’t want to do. But given all he has been through with the left, you would think he’d love to expand beyond his current level and figure out a way to really tweak the left. He does like tweaking them, and now is the time to tweak further than ever before.

It has all come together. We now know that America is on the brink. We know that it’s getting worse, and will not likely improve anytime soon. Something more drastic must be done if those of us who love our freedom ever want to recover any of it. Period. It’s that simple. 

Rush has the influence to make things happen. He could accomplish much more and something much bigger than his current work will ever achieve, or that thousands of us together could ever achieve. Given a good plan, he could lead us  - possibly millions of us - down the road where we can actually make something happen. Without that leadership, we are not likely to be able to organize effectively, just as the “Tea Party” has not really been effective. 

Or, he can just sit behind the microphone. The question is: Does he want to help save the country, or just make money? Because it is clear that what he is doing right now is not going to save the country. 

Maybe Rush just needs to have his listeners exhort him to step out of his box. 

Copyright notice: All the articles in this blog are written and copyrighted by Thomas M. Kempf, unless otherwise noted. You may link to, copy, use and disseminate these essays in any non-profit capacity so long as the copyright notice and the following links are included.    

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