What Are the Options?

If you don’t agree with me that our political direction is fait accompli, then you either don’t see anything wrong with where our country is politically, or you view it as reparable. In that case, you don’t see a need to seek an alternative solution. 

Basically, just accept America as it is and live with it. Live your life as best you can within the parameters our government sets for you. And if you have the desire, do what you can to fight the corruption and decay. Try your best to effect change, if you like, and hope that you never end up in the government’s crosshairs. There’s nothing wrong with that. Our country is not so bad off (yet) that you can’t live within the system as it is.

But for me, I really don’t care to be a part of a dying society (or to have to listen to evil people dissimulate while attacking the good). I wish to be a part of a society that is truly free, in which my fellow man understands the value of individual rights, of property rights, of objective laws and the implementation thereof. I wish to be a part of a society in which I don’t have to fear my government, and in which my government does not have any sort of ultimate authority or control over me, exercised indiscriminately and capriciously. 

I want a government that adheres firmly to proper laws and treats all citizens equally in regards to justice, in which none of the ills that modern man has committed in circumventing the intent of our original constitution can happen. But we’re not going to get that in America. For that, we will have to inquire as to what the alternatives are. 

So if you are interested in learning about what type of actions you can take (or inaction, as the case may be), read the list I have come up with below. I wanted to cover the gambit, from doing nothing to the most far-fetched idea I could think of (short of colonizing the moon). This is so that you could see the entire range of possibilities, and to help keep each of them in perspective. 

The first seven are personal choices - anybody can decide to follow one of them. The last five are public or political choices - they require the collaboration of multitudes of people in order to effect them. Protest and revolutions will likely be spontaneous events, but the last three choices will require a plan of action. These are the ones that I am most interested in for the purposes of this blog, because they would allow us to achieve my goal: living without liberals. I elaborate on 10 and 11 in other posts, but I am still working on my ideas regarding the starting of a new country (12). That is a subject that will take a lot of thought.  

If you have any other ideas, I’d like to hear them, but for now these are all I can think of:

  1. Nothing - just live your life, ignore what goes on in politics and hope for the best.
  2. Fight it - live your life, but do something positive to fight for your freedoms.
  3. Go Galt - live out in the boonies and be self-sufficient, interacting only with your close circle of CEO friends and hope the government doesn’t bother you. While you’re at it, invent a machine that absorbs energy from the atmosphere and use it to power your new society, and your invisibility field too, so they can’t find you. 
  4. Become a homegrown terrorist - live here but take violent actions against the state to undercut their power.
  5. If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em - live your life, but become a Democrat/liberal/socialist so as to stay out of government crosshairs and get the benefits when they are doled out. 
  6. Go live in another country - but keep your U.S. citizenship.
  7. Expatriate - move to another country and take up citizenship there.
  8. Mass protest - like in Egypt or the Ukraine, and hope you can get a reformation of the government. 
  9. Revolution - if enough people are fed up with the government,  you might take up arms against them, especially if the military is on your side. While you’re at it, kill all the lawyers. 
  10. Push for The Two-State Solution for America.
  11. Secession.
  12. Start a new country. 

Copyright notice: All the articles in this blog are written and copyrighted by Thomas M. Kempf, unless otherwise noted. You may link to, copy, use and disseminate these essays in any non-profit capacity so long as the copyright notice and the following links are included.    

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